Tuesday 5 January 2010

A New Year, A New Decade and A New (more active) Me.

So, last year it appears I failed (once again) to keep my blog/s up to date. It would be prudent of me to point out how busy I've been with various things but let's face it! If I can string a few tweets together to throw out on twitter...I should be able to write a blog post once in a while, right?

And so, here we are, another new year and another new decade - one that people can't even figure out what to call, for that matter. Prehaps we should call it 'Fred' and be done with it? No? Hmm, well, maybe not.
But the most important thing is, it will involve a new me! A more active blogger. So active that I will annoy the hell out of you with my endless wit and knowledge...
Or maybe just prattle.

Anyway, enough about 2010 (read it how you feel, I'm not inflicting my pronunciation on whichever bored saps decide to actually read this drivel.) The question is....

How did I spend my last month of 2009?

Apparently with a little bit of luck. I kicked it off by winning a signed & dedicated copy of Justin Pollard's (QI writer) 'Secret Britain'. He wrote a rather nice message in it about me saying I never win things (because I prattled in an email to him when I couldn't think of a dedication...I know, how calm and collected of me).

But did the bout of luck end there? Nope. For I had also entered a competition on my mobile phone to win tickets to a preview screening for the first episode of series 2 of BBC's 'Being Human'.
To say I was in shock when a very nice man from the BBC (called Hugh, for extra information) called me to say I'd won a pair...would be a major understatement.

Now, if I could just work out what the dress code of 'being human' pertains before this Thursday, I should be fine for the actual event.